A teenager wanted to go south for Spring Break with all his pals. He wanted to go alone to their rented beach house. He said he could be trusted. You and I both know that there could possibly be alcohol, drugs, and sex abound.
It’s like a person who plays with an explosive device even though the safety is on and it will never go off. Even though a teenager may be trustworthy to date, there is no guarantee they will not spontaneously combust if put in a wrong situation.
The parents that gave them their okay justified their decision by saying they have to be trusted sometime. As parents we must be careful to not let having a good relationship and not having our child even dislike us even for a little while take priority over providing effective leadership.
This reminds me of most politicians today. They are worried about doing something that might hurt their chances of reelection. Parenting and politics don’t mix. Thank goodness God is
not a politician. He loves us, disciplines us when needed so we can be purified, and gives us guidelines (aka 10 commandments). They are not suggestions but commands.
- If I support this (______), what kind of parent am I?
- If I support this (______), when it comes to God, what kind offollower am I?
Something to ponder as a Dad.
Wes Marion